Public Lecture: Health Inequalities
3rd May 2022
After two years, we finally brought back our Public Lecture in partnership with Loughborough University. This year will be about health inequalities with our guest speaker Toby Lewis Senior Fellow, at the King's Fund.
Toby grew up in Loughborough.
He undertakes research at The King’s Fund, focused on health inequalities and poverty. He contributes to their ground-breaking work on integrated care and health system reform. He has a particular interest in how the NHS can contribute to local regeneration and changing disparities of the outcome.
Before joining The King's Fund, Toby worked in the health services for more than 25 years in mental health, primary care and hospital services. He has held director roles since 2005 across University College London Hospital, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals, Bart’s Health, and was Chief Executive of Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals for eight years. He worked in the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit from 2003, holds degrees from the University of Oxford and the University of London, and is studying for a third in public health medicine with Edinburgh University.
The unequal impact of the coronavirus in different communities has shone a light on the health inequalities that we know exist in our society. As an organisation working for over 50 years to support, empower and enable communities for equality, we feel it is important to understand, challenge and discuss the inequalities that persist. We hope you can join us at Loughborough University for this Public Lecture.
You can read the lecture notes here: https://www.equalityaction.org.uk/docs/public-lecture.pdf