NEW Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC) Religion or Belief Publications
5th Dec 2016
The EHRC has published the final products from its three-year programme of work on religion or belief.
These consist of three documents:
Religion or belief – is the law working?, our evaluation of the effectiveness of the religion or belief legal framework; online guidance for employers on key religion or belief topics; and online training modules on religion or belief for line managers (developed with ACAS) and union managers (developed with the TUC).
The review of the legal framework examines: whether the legal approach to defining a religion or belief is effective;
whether the law sufficiently protects people when they manifest a religion or belief;
whether the law sufficiently protects service users in relation to religion or belief;
and whether the religion or belief exceptions under the Equality Act are sufficient and appropriate.
The guidance for employers picks up on key religion or belief areas identified in the EHRC’s 2015 call for evidence on religion or belief in the workplace and service delivery.
The guidance consists of: a downloadable guide to the law; a practical decision-making tool showing employers a step-by-step approach to properly considering a religion or belief request; and a series of frequently asked questions on topics including time off work, recruitment, food and dietary requirements, dress codes and wearing of religious symbols, opting out of work duties and expressing personal views and beliefs at work.
The two training modules are 20 minute interactive sessions giving the user an overview of the law and showing its application in the workplace.
The documents are available at: Here